

NABTEB 2017/18 Nov/Dec Certificate Examination Registration Begins

NATIONAL BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL EXAMINATIONS BOARD (NABTEB) 2017/18 Nov/Dec Certificate Examination Registration Begins


Authorities at the National Business and Technical Examination Board (Nabteb) wishes to inform the general public that the Nov/Dec Certificate Examination Registration Begins  for the 2017/2018.

Online Registration is scheduled to commence from Monday 19th June, 2017.


Registration PINs for the above named examinations, primarily for private candidates are available for purchase at the branches of the following banks: First Bank, United Bank for Africa, Zenith Bank, Unity Bank, Fidelity Bank, Enterprise Bank and Skye Bank.
2. Candidates can also visit any approved NABTEB examination centre or any of the following NABTEB offices for assistance:
i. NABTEB Zonal Offices in Abuja, Kaduna, Yola, Osogbo, Enugu and Benin City.
ii. NABTEB Liaison Offices at Abuja and Lagos, and State Offices Nationwide.
iii. NABTEB National Headquarters, Ikpoba Hill, Benin City.
The  General  Education  Subjects  and  Trades  examinable  at  Ordinary  and  Advanced  Levels  are  as  follows:


Candidates  intending  to  enrol  for  NBC/NTC  or  General  Education  Subjects  must  obtain  a  Registration  PIN  at  the  cost  of N10,000.00 per  candidate,  while  registration  for  ANBC/ANTC  will  attract N12,000.00  per  candidate.  The  above  fees  cover  examination  fees,  result  checking,  biometric registration,  e-learning  and  information  VCD.  In  addition,  candidates  are  to  pay N250.00  bank  charges.
Late  registration  will  attract  additional N5,000.00  per candidate.


Registration  commences  on  Monday  19th  June,  2017.
Registration for the 2016 November/December Certificate Examinations continues until further notice.
Candidates  should  visit  registration.nabtebnigeria.org to  log  on  with  the  PIN.  Candidates  are  advised  to  carefully  study  the  Entry Guide,  Examination  Structure,  Time-Table,  List  of  Centres  and  Trades  available at  each  Centre,  as  well  as  other  relevant   instructions.
NOTE: Except for General  Education Candidates, all other candidates are allowed to enrol for any number of subjects they want to enter for, but this must be on TRADE basis.


*Candidates  who  wish  to  offer  any  Trade  that  is  not  included  in  this  advertisement  may wish  to  enrol  through  a  Technical  /  Commercial  College  in  the 2018  May/June  examination  series.
*Only reputable and standard Cyber Cafes are strongly recommended for use as the Board will not be liable for registration errors committed by the candidates.
*Only good quality coloured passport photographs with Red background with a dimension of 2cm x 1.5cm will be accepted.
Candidates are advised to upload quality passport photograph.
*Biometric registration is compulsory for all candidates. 


a.  Entries that do not conform with the Board’s regulations would be rejected.
b.  The Board will ensure that examinations take place as provided on the Time Table at various centres. However, changes if any, will be communicated to candidates through the mass media or through their centres.
Candidates are strongly advised to check for  such vital information at their centres/NABTEB Web-site at least 3 days before the commencement of the examinations.
c.  The  Board  reserves  the  right  to  cancel  or  withhold  the  results  of  any candidate  in  whole or  in  part  for  reasons  connected  with  examination malpractice and irregularities.
d.  The Board  shall relieve  its employees or agents from all responsibilities, for any  injury,  delay,  loss  or  damage  however  caused  and  of  whatever  kind, arising/resulting  directly  or  indirectly  from  any  action,  neglect  or  default  on their  part  while  acting  in  the  course  of/or  connection with  the  Board’s Examinations.
e.  The Board may reject the scripts of any candidate in any paper for which the candidate has not been duly registered.
f.  Only  three  (3)  changes  would  be  allowed  for  trades/subjects  after registration. However, no change would be allowed for Bio-data entries.


a.  All candidates are required to supply their own pen, pencil, eraser, ink, ruler, and mathematical set.
b.  Drawing  Materials:  Candidates  are  required  to  provide  their  own  drawing board, Tee-square, metric scale  ruler  and  other drawing instruments.  They are also allowed to use slide rules during the examination if the need arises.
c.  The  use of simple, non-programmable, noiseless and cordless calculator is allowed.
d.  Candidates are not allowed to enter the examination Hall with GSM Hand-set and other electronic gadgets.


a.  It is imperative  for candidates  to check the date  and the time of commencement of their papers from examination Time-table and their examination centre or from the Board’s web-site.
All morning papers would  commence at 9.00 a.m., and candidates are to arrive at their examination centres at least  HALF  AN HOUR  before the commencement of each paper.
b.  No candidate is allowed to leave the hall, unless on confirmed health ground, until 30 minutes to full time for a 3-hour paper or 10 minutes to full time for an objectivepaper.  Where  a  health problem  is  confirmed,  the  centre  Supervisor  is  under instruction to ensure that question paper and other worked materials are not taken out of the examination hall. Similarly, no candidate is allowed into an examination hall 30 MINUTES after the commencement of a paper.
6.  All practical/oral tests are expected to  commence at 9.00 a.m. as indicated on the Time-table.
Candidates must report at the centres where they are expected to write their practical/oral examination at the scheduled time on the Time-table.
7.  Candidates  are  required  to  produce  their  Admission  Notice  Form  each  time  they report for a paper.
8.  Candidates are expected to conduct themselves properly while in the examination hall. Candidates found guilty of disorderly behaviour in the examination hall would be expelled from the centre.
9.  All Candidates must write their  names, centre numbers, candidates’ numbers and paper codes, on Answer booklets, Objective answer sheets, Graph Sheets, Drawing Sheets, and Continuation Sheets,  etc  in all their papers. Candidates are advised not  to  use  office  pins  to  secure  their  papers.   Twine  would  be  supplied  by  the Supervisor or invigilator on request. Candidates should exercise great care in the use of furniture and equipment during the examination. They are reminded that the
cost of repairs or replacement of any damaged property would be borne by those
responsible for such damages.


a.  Examination  Malpractice  Act  No.  33  of  1999:  The  attention  of  candidate  is hereby  drawn  to  the  provisions  of  Examination  Malpractice  Act  No.  33  of 1999  which  provide  stiff penalties  for  examination  malpractice.  Candidates are therefore warned to desist from actions that would breach the provisions of the Act.
b.  Candidates  are  not  allowed  to  bring  textbooks,  scripts  or  plain  sheets  of paper into the hall, except materials which they have been specifically told to bring for the examination.
c.  Candidates must not communicate with each other during the examinations. Candidates  wishing  to  ask  questions  should  attract  the  attention  of  the supervisor/invigilator by raising their hands.
d.  The Board does not accept responsibility for the loss of books, bags, or other property which candidates bring to the examination centre.
e.  A  candidate  who  disobeys  any  of  these  instructions  may  be  asked  to discontinue  his  or  her  work,  by  the  supervisor  who  is  under  instruction  to report such disobedience to the Board.
f.  Where examination officials or school authorities are involved in Examination malpractice or irregularities, candidates may report directly to the Board with proof.


Candidates for practical examinations are required to provide their own tools. In the case  of Information  and  Communication  Technology  (ICT),  candidates  may  be allowed  to  provide  their  own  computers/Laptops.  Candidates  are  expected  to exercise great care in the handling and use of the machines and tools provided by their  centres.  Cutting  list  for  practical  papers  would  be  sent  to  Centres  and candidates  are  to  make  individual arrangement  with  the Principals/Properietors of their  centres  for  the  procurement  of  materials  for  their  practical  papers  for  which they are to pay.
The cost of the material(s) needed for each practical paper will be  calculated by the Board  and  sent  to  Centres.
Candidates  are  free  to  demand  for  this  from  the Principals/Proprietors  of  their  centres  who  are  under  instruction  to  make  them available  to  candidates  who  may  wish  to  make  private  arrangement  to  get  the materials  for  practical  papers.
Candidates  are  therefore  strictly  advised  to  go  to their centres at least one week before the commencement of their papers in order to make proper arrangement for the procurement of materials for practicals.


No results would be issued to candidates who sit for papers for which they have not been  registered.   However,  if  you  register  for  a  paper  and  your  name  does  not appear on the Marks and Attendance Sheet, report to the Supervisor, who has been authorized  to  take  appropriate  action.   If you  have  been  entered  for  the  wrong paper(s) or your name is mis-spelt you must let the Supervisor know immediately for correction. Multiple/double Registration (registering for two or more trades at the same time) would be invalidated.


Scan and upload your coloured passport photograph with RED background and with a dimension of 2cm x 1.5cm. Use of Webcam passport is not allowed.


Candidates  must  download  the  admission  notice  form  and  bring  same  to  the examination hall for all the papers registered for.


You are required to supply your personal information which includes: First Name, Middle Name and Surname e.g. “Muyiwa Emeka Yakubu,  Address, Date of  Birth and Gender information.


No candidate is allowed to enrol for  NBC  and  ANBC  or  NTC  and  ANTC  subjects together in the  same examination  series. Where this is done the entry would be rejected.


A  candidate  is  expected  to  enrol  for  only  one  trade.  Multiple  Entries  would  be invalidated.


a.  Examination  centres  must  not  register  candidates  for  trades  for  which  their centres  were not  approved.
Colleges/Schools  which  do  not  adhere  strictly  to this would have their entries invalidated in the affected subjects.
b.  No  ANBC/ANTC  candidate  is  allowed  to  write  any  of  the  General  Education subjects at ordinary level.
c.  Except for candidates  enroling for General Education all  other candidates  can only enrol for any of the subjects listed against their trades.


a.  Candidates  intending to sit for NBC/NTC must obtain a Registration  PIN  at the cost  of  N10,000.00  per  candidate,  while  ANBC/ANTC  will  attract  N12,000  per candidate.
b.  Candidates sitting for General Education  (45O)  are to obtain Registration PIN  at
the cost of N10,000.00.
c.  The  registration  fees  cover  examination  fee,  result  checking,  biometric registration, e-learning and information VCD.
d.  In addition, candidates are to pay N250.00 administrative charges.
e.  Late registration will attract a penalty of N5,000.00 per candidate.


In all correspondences, the candidate must state:
a.  His/her full Name
b.  Examination Number
c.  Year of Examination/Series
d.  Examination Centre
e.  Trade Name/Code.
f.  Contact address and phone number


Visually-challenged candidates would also register on-line but must clearly state the
nature of their challenge.
(i)  Candidates are strongly advised to make use of standard cybercafé for their entries.
(ii)  Biometric registration is compulsory for all candidates


  1. Students biometric information. ( i.e Right and Left Thumb). NOTE: You can get a copy of NABTEB Biometric Data Capture Application from nearest NABTEB office.
  2. Make sure you supply the correct name and passport / registration card alongside PIN and SERIAL when doing the Biometric Data Capture.
  3. On successful Biometric Data Capture, Proceed t the online Registration Portal to complete the Registration exercise. NOTE: The portal will not allow you to register online without first doing the biometric data capture.
  4. Fill the form displayed accordingly and submit.
  5. Print the photocard and registration completion and keep it in a safe place.
Things not to do in the Portal
  • Do not use a card that has already been used for another candidate
  • Do not enter an invalid e-mail address for result to be sent as this will penalize you by deducting your card use
School info 1521041965077279410

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